

¿Qué es la Salud Mental, las Enfermedades Mentales, y cómo reducir el estigma?

  • This animated video addresses the stigma that children face related to mental illness and how to break the cycle of stigma. This video is suitable to share with elementary school-aged youth.

  • This video resource caters directly to teens who may be dealing with a mental illness. This resource focuses on common misconceptions and stereotypes teens may face when telling someone that they are struggling with their mental health.

  • This video resource caters directly to teens who may be dealing with a mental illness. This resource focuses on common misconceptions and stereotypes teens may face when telling someone that they are struggling with their mental health.

  • This article delves deep into the mental health crisis occurring across America. It’s affecting who we least expect it to, teens.

Session 1: Engaging Communities in Local Health Initiatives

Session 2: Crafting a Community Vision of Health

Session 3: Measuring Impact of Community-Driven Initiatives

Session 4: Resourcing Community-Led Health Initiatives

Bonus Session 5: Grant Writing 101

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