

Racial Stress and Trauma and Youth

  • Talking about racism and race-related stress can be difficult to discuss with a child. PBS provides comprehensive guides as to how to have open conversations about race and the adversity children face because of racism.

  • While Therapy for Black Girls is a resource that caters to Black women and girls, the message in this podcast episode rings true for those across all backgrounds, races, religions, and creeds. Hear from two licensed psychologists about how therapy can reduce racial stress and trauma.

  • This resource explains racial stressors and the many different forms experienced by Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).

  • TaShara Williams tells her experience with racial stressors related to racial profiling by law enforcement.

Session 1: Engaging Communities in Local Health Initiatives

Session 2: Crafting a Community Vision of Health

Session 3: Measuring Impact of Community-Driven Initiatives

Session 4: Resourcing Community-Led Health Initiatives

Bonus Session 5: Grant Writing 101

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